- Etido Ime Akpan represented Advocates of Peace, Nature and Gender Justice (APNAG) at the 1-Day Certificate Training on “Fact Checking and Countering Misinformation” on 15/1/2022.
- The Executive Director, APNAG, attended a 3-Day “Case Management, Trauma Consciousness and Resilience for CSOs Working with Vulnerable Groups and Individuals” by Girls’ Power Initiative (GPI), from 17/1/2022 – 21/1/2022.
- The Executive Director, APNAG, joined the HWPL Peace Day Webinar on 24/1/2022.
Meeting ID: 952 4414 1215.
- SCALE-Kustos OD/Advocacy Market Place Zoom Meeting on “Making The CSO Board Work: Managing Relationship Between CSOs Management and Their Boards.” The Facilitator was, Bashiru Akande Lasisi on 27/1/2022. Meeting ID: 964 4921 3190 with Passcode: 415139.
- TV Documentary on Drug Abuse/Addiction: Causes, etc., on DStv Channel 151 & a Nollywood Movie: “Nimbe” on Social Vices such as Bullying, etc. on 31/1/2022.
- The Executive Director attended a 1-Day Training on Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) for Response Team Facilitated by WOCLIF/AWDF on 1/2/2022.
- AWDF Webinar Meeting. Meeting ID: 848 7368 7701 & Passcode: 210069.
- Volunteers4COVID-19 Webinar on 11/2/2022. Meeting ID: 838 5260 0285 & Passcode: 370714.
- SCALE WEBINAR SERIES, USAID-Kustos-Palladium on “Perspective in Managing and Sustaining an NGO: The Action Health Incorporated Experience” on 24/2/2022. Meeting ID: 910 5101 6061 & Passcode: 284128
- UN Volunteers Zoom Meeting on 27/2/2022.
- ROTARY/HUMAN RIGHTS COMMUNITY Training on “Negotiation as a Means of Conflict Resolution” On 2/3/2022.
- Hadassah Academy Certificated (3) Training on 1/3/2022.
- #IWD2022 #BreakTheBias Zoom Press Briefing; Meeting ID: 432 085 5969 & Passcode: 030122.
- APNAG Team carried out Sensitization Campaign on, BULLYING at Little Flower Schools on 10/3/2022.
- The Executive Director, APNAG, attended a 4-Day SCALE Kustos Palladium OD/Advocacy Market Place Program at Abuja from 13th – 18th March, 2022.
- APNAG was represented at the Grand Finale of IWD by Her Excellency on 14/3/2022.
- APNAG was invited to the FIDA, Uyo Chapter Town Hall Meeting held on 22/3/2022.
- Girls’ Power Initiative (GPI) conducted its Monitoring Visit to APNAG on 24/3/2022, to see what progress we have made since after their last assessment Visit and to further help us in designing and implementing programmes preventing and responding to SGBV and CEFM and way forward.
- The Executive Director joined the ANGEL SUPPORT FOUNDATION: Plastic Pollution in Nigeria. Challenges and Prospects on 25/3/2022 (12:00pm-1:30pm).
- The Future Is Female Roundtable Webinar on 25/3/2022 (5:00pm-7:00pm). Meeting ID: 247 760 2207 & Passcode: LWA 2021.
- Criminalization of LGQBTIQ Nigerians: Impacts and Access to Sexual Health and HIV Prevention Services on 26/3/2022. Meeting ID: 996 7998 8558 & Passcode: 078565.
- On the 28th of March 2022, Zoom Link on the Public hearing of the Karma Amendment Bill. Meeting ID: 99324705081 & Passcode 782397
- 29th of March 2022, Scale Webinar: Developing Communication and Media Strategy for Not-for-Profit Organization. Meeting ID: 81837122142 & Passcode: 063850
Police/Public Interaction’s Zoom Meeting. Meeting ID: 98592866055 & Passcode: 280831
- 1st of April 2022: In-person PIND Foundation Niger Delta Peace and Security Network Meeting at Luton Park Hotel
- 6th of April 2022: Affiong Etuk Foundation Inclusive Health (AfiFIH): Peer Dialogue addressing the stigma of dementia in Africa, order No. 3217535489, Meeting ID: 81095924286 & Passcode:784415
- Girls’ Power Initiative (GPI) Monitoring and Evaluation Training at Calabar on the 11th -14th April 2022.
- 14th April 2022, Scale Webinar: Strengthening Collaboration between Private Sector and Civil Society Organization (CSOs). Meeting ID: 86853803536 & Passcode: 605313
- 20th of April 2022, Scale Webinar: Module 4:
- Advocacy Messages and Methods
- Increasing Messages Effectiveness
- 26th April, 2022, SCALE Webinar Series (SWS 09): New Perspectives in Monitoring and Evaluation of Development Projects. Meeting ID: 86742975482 & Passcode: 982455
Institutes of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN): Developing Finance Department by CBN. Meeting ID: 91685428036 & Passcode: 824308
- 27th April, 2022: Womanifesto: Nigerian Women Fighting for Equal Political Space. Meeting ID: 85629425517 & Passcode: 406870
- 28th April, 2022: Standing Committee on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights including HIV & AIDS (SCORA): The line between CONSENT and COHESION in Sexual Assault Awareness Month. WHATSAPP
- 29th SCALE OD/Advocacy Marketplace Program: Virtual Learning Session on Communication, Developing Advocacy Materials ( press releases, opinion polls, policy briefs) Meeting ID: 81876690286 & Passcode: 417187
- Effective Logistics Management SMEs (WHATSAPP)
- USAID: Promise keepers free Submit/Breaking Away from Sexual Sin (WHATSAPP)
- Voters Education: Ondo State Business Owners Group (WHATSAPP)
- 30th April, 2022: HWPL (VIRTUAL): Lesson on Peace Song for PEACE EDUCATOR EMPOWERMENT TRAINING. Meeting ID: 89117470069 & Passcode: 602162
- 2nd May, 2022: Cyber Crime and other Press Related Infraction: The Legal Implication at Watbridge Hotel, IBB, Uyo. Meeting ID: 84690806088 & Passcode: aksminfo
- 10th May, 2022: Youth and Peacebuilding Action Dialogue Series
- 13th May, 2022: OD/Advocacy Marketplace. Module 4: Research and Social Advocacy
- 26th May, 2022: SCALE Webinar Series, Nigeria Social Insurance Trust fund: The Law, Compliance and Benefit to Employer and Employee. Meeting ID: 85028472556 & Passcode: email
- 27th May, 2022: SCALE OD/Advocacy Marketplace: Influencing Decision-makers (WHATSAPP)
- 1st June, 2022: Breach Connect Africa Initiative (Twitter): The Delay in the Passage of VAP Bill and Child’s Protection Bill in Kano State. (Relevant to Group 3 – Real-life situation)
- 8th June, 2022: OD/Advocacy Marketplace. Module 5: Assessing Organizational Capacity for Effective Advocacy.
- 9th June, 2022, EuropeAid/174523/DD/ACTING-Human Rights and Democracy and Support to Civil Society in Nigeria. Meeting ID: 83165202201 &Passcode: 450528
- 22nd June, 2022: OD/Advocacy Marketplace. Module 5: Developing Action Plan for building capacity for advocacy.
- 23rd June, 2022: The Niger Delta Alternatives Conveyance (NDAC).
Meeting ID: 95354073617 & Passcode: 220963
- 27th June, 2022: ICMC: Let’s Mediate with Aisha Abdullahi, FICMC: Setting Up and Running a Successful ADR Centre: Challenges and Prospect. Meeting ID: 87939232171 & Passcode: 430341
- 28th June, 2022: Youth Voices Against Electoral Violence. Meeting ID: 85409159722 & Passcode: 621319
- 30th June, 2022: SCALE Webinar Series (SWS 11): Managing Grants for Effective Performance: Experience of Lagos State Ministry of Health, Grants Management Unit. Meeting ID: 84822002660 & Passcode: 339867
- 4th July 2022: CPN Meeting at WOCLIF Office attended by Ngozi Peace
- 5th – 9th July 2022: SCALE/Kustos Training, Abuja
- 14th July, 2022: GPI Meeting @ Ann’s Haven Hotel & Suites. Attended by 2 Staff members
- 14th July, 2022: Youth Development Cluster (YDC), AKS Online Series on State Youth Policy Frameworks. Meeting ID: 810 3736 6230
- 20th July 2022: Women Economic Empowerment In Nigeria. A Critical Look at Access to Financial Services. Webinar ID: 829 0556 0830 & Passcode: 420663
- 25th – 29th July, 2020: SCALE-Kustos OD/Advocacy Marketplace Exams & Graduation/OD National Summit in Abuja
- 3rd August, 2022: GENDER AFFAIRS WITH KEBETKACHE/IEIA/WRAPA/MacArthur Foundation/NDA Rivers State/FIDA – Theme: “Gender and Social Inclusion: Localizing the National Gender Policy (GNP)” via YouTube
- 5th August, 2022: Civic Education Network (CEN) Voter’s Education Training @ WOCLIF’s Office.
- 5th August 2022: CFYPS AND CAPACITY BUILDING DIALOGUE on Gender Mainstreaming in the Youth for Peace Africa Program Agenda. Meeting ID: 828 4929 5504 Passcode: 433582
- 10th August, 2022: Policy Alert, In Partnership with Centre for Transparency Advocacy and KEBETKACHE Women Development And Resource Centre to mark the 2022 International Day of the World Indigenous People on The Role of Indigenous Women in the Preservation and Transmission of Traditional Knowledge. Meeting ID: 819 6305 8034 & Passcode: 381954.
- 11th August, 2022: Founder/CEO, and Programme Officer of RELIGIONNEXT FOUNDATION FOR YOUTH AND PEACEBUILDING, paid an Advocacy Visit to APNAG for partnership, collaboration and network.
- 12th August, 2022: PEPNET 2022 International Youth Day Celebration on the Theme: National Action Plan on Youths, Peace, and Security: The Roles of Youths in its Implementation. Link provided in PEPNET WhatsApp Platform.
- 18th August, 2022: Lagos Chamber of Commerce & Industry (LCCI), Alausa, Ikeja, Lagos and Ladies Helpline Initiative held In-person/Virtual Meeting for Female CEOs of SMEs and Social Enterprise on Grants Accessibility Program (Cohort 2) – Women and Girls Leading, Impacting, and Inspiring…Changing the Narratives.
- 18th August, 2022: Impact of Microlenders on Access to Credit for Consumers and MSMEs in Nigeria. Webinar + ID: 833 9192 8986& Passcode: 067323
- 18th August, 2022: APNAG Observers at the Workshop On Combating GBV By AKS GBV Management Committee @ Ibom Hall.
- 23rd August, 2022: Cherie Blair Foundation For Women in UK In Partnership With Ladies Helpline Initiative Nigeria on HerVenture for Women Entrepreneurs in Vietnam, Indonesia, South Africa, Kenya, Nigeria and Guyana. Meeting ID: 845 2123 4655 & Passcode: 136015 for 11:00-11:45 UTC +1 OR Meeting ID: 862 9704 9137 & Passcode: 781754 for 14:30-15:15
- 26th August, 2022: Leading Women of Africa (LWA): Future Is Female Roundtable; A Collaborative Effort Towards Women Empowerment. Passcode: LWA2021
- 26th August, 2022: Youth Development Cluster Online Series on Youth Policy Framework. Register: https://us06web.zoom.us/…/tZcpd… Join with https://www.facebook.com/YouthPrideNG
- 26th August, 2022: WESHNET AKS Chapter Int’l Women’s Equality Day 2022. Theme: Engaging Women’s NGO/CBO in Tackling Challenges Facing The Masses in Nigeria.
- 1st September 2022: One-day Mentoring, Coaching and Learning Meeting organized by Girl’s Power Initiative GPI
- 2nd September, 2022: AU Y4P & ACCORD; Youth Inclusivity in YPS.
- 3rd September, 2022: 988 Suicide & Girls Lifeline. #BeThe1ToBeThere. BeThe1To.com Mental Health Science. September: World Suicide Prevention Month. (The Life Care Initiative).
- 9th September, 2022: Partnership Policy Meeting with RELIGIONNEXT Foundation.
- 13th September 2022, 3-Day National Conference On Civil Society Organizations Environment by EU-ACT. Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/
- 13th September, 2022: Child Protection General Meeting at WOLCLF
- 14th September, 2022: Public Presentation on Baseline Study on the Implementation of Nigeria’s National Action Plan on Youth, Peace and Security by Building Blocks for Peace Foundation.
Webinar Link: bit.ly/ypsnigeria
- 16th September 2022: Disability Inclusion Awareness: Step-down training by Clement Isong Foundation
- 21st September, 2022: Dialogue Interface and Training on None-Violence Election to mark International Day of Peace by RELIONNEXT Foundation and Interreligious Youth Action for Peaceful Elections in Nigeria – IYAPEN 2023. Theme END ELECTORAL VIOLENCE; BUILD A PEACEFUL FUTURE
- 21st September, 2022: A One Day Peacebuilding Workshop to mark International Day of Peace by Partners for Peace in the Niger Delta (P4P) on the theme: End Ethnicism. Build Peace.
- 22nd September, 2022: Niger Delta Peace and Security Network by PIND
- 7th October, 2022: Leading Women of Africa: How to benefit from your Business by going Online
7th October, 2022: CSO Led Session/Leading Women of Africa (LWA) Digi-Women, 1000 Digital Skills Training 7th – 29th October 2022 (7th, 8th, 14th, 15, 21st 22nd 28th and 29th October, 2022) at CSO Forum 2022.
- 11th October, 2022: Marking of the International Day of the Girl Child 2022 (10th Anniversary) at Government Technical College, Ewet Uyo)
- 14th Pepnet/Popcorn/popmat: Meeting ID: 89709250232; Passcode: 027296
- 23rd October, 2022: United Nation Peace (23rd, 24th, 25th and 26th)
- 25th Affiong Etuk Foundation for Inclusive Health (AfFTH) on dementia Care Peer Dialogue Meeting Id: 82353707969; Passcode: 014939
- 27th October, 2022: Key issues in operationalizing Grant. Meeting ID: 81899232147; Passcode: 699802
- 29th of October, 2022: 2023 Election Open Citizens Town-hall! On PVC Collection, Where, When and How. Meeting ID: 3697122941; Passcode: 8XsKz1
- 31st October, 2022: (AKGCODA) Board of Trustees Meeting. Meeting ID: 82195197792; Passcode: BOT
- 3rd of November, 2022: Africa CDC-Civil Society Organization (CSOs) Regular Engagement Forum. Meeting ID: 85961785278; Passcode: 472332
- 4th November, 2022: Religionnext
- 10th of November, 2022: APNAG partnered with Edet Ekpo Bassey Uwe Educational Foundation, Udung Uko on Scholarship Award.
- 10th November, 2022: SCALE-KUTOS Webinar on Human Resource for Organizational Effectiveness. Meeting ID: 88200458858; Passcode: 985033
- 11th November, 2022: Visit by Consultant, PIND Conflict Prevent Council
- 12th November, 2022: HWPL Western Africa Peace Development Forum. Meeting ID: 863 7418 7655; Passcode: 232989
- 17th November, 2022: Co-Impact November Series- The Funding Dilemma: Can outcome-focus philanthropy be feminist & Special Feature., Cherie Blair Women Foundation Team from UK (Explore Mentoring opportunity for women) Webinar ID: 864 4161 1158 Passcode: 909349
- 17th November, 2022: LADIES helpline Initiative African Women Economic and Entrepreneurship Summit 2022 on Advancing future opportunities for women in digitalized economic: the Gender Agenda. Meeting ID: 834 9531 0748; Passcode: 853024
- 22nd November, 2022: Women at Risk International Foundation (WARIF) warif.ng.org
- 23rd November, 2022: WFD: Legislative Leadership on Environmental Issues. Webinar ID: 858 9709 6219; Passcode: 7Ksr&f?K9n
- 24th November, 2022: CSO Self-Regulation Implementation Inception Meeting. Meeting ID: 838 0239 2784; Passcode: 923926
- 24th November, 2022: SCALE Webinar Series 14: Monitoring and Evaluation of Grant from Donor’s Perspective. Meeting ID: 849 1103 7759; Passcode 966182